Monday 21 April 2008

Someone else's kitchen sink drama

Just to add grist to my mill and to prove what fascinating places kitchens can be, just check out this review of some play set in a kitchen:

The play starts off as the typical sitcom family, Mr. and Mrs. and their son Billy and daughter Sarah, sit around the kitchen table eating the dinner that Mrs. has cooked. However, there seems to be something strangely different about this foursome… and this particular kitchen. Within the first five minutes of the play, the audience learns that not only does this family live in their kitchen (in a rather Sartrean No Exit manner) but that the kitchen is also built over a graveyard. Since both the children have been taken out of school (for their own "protection," Mrs. explains), Billy looks for friendship in his own backyard. When Mrs. discovers the corpse of Moses hidden in her kitchen cupboard, with a smile on her face she says that it is "better than any history lesson I could have planned." However, their "utopia" cannot last forever. As their world is invaded by the outside, in the form of a knock on their door, they undertake emergency procedures that lead to both tragedy and hilarity.

Now that's a kitchen I'd love to photograph!


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