Tuesday 22 April 2008

Kitchen Sinks on Flickr.com

Wow, I've just done some research on Flickr. There are loads of kitchen sink shots and it's really helped consolidate what I want and what I don't want from my photographs. Here's a couple of examples of the sorts of shots I'd be happy with:


and the sort of thing I want to avoid:

Not because this isn't good but because it's more of a still life.

Now this is a lovely kitchen, I fancy it myself but it's a little bit country living and contrived, I want something a bit more "real" in my photos.

Looking at all these shots has made me think about angles and what I get into the shot. I think I need every shot to feature the sink, not just an interesting aspect of a particular kitchen. I've got to keep to my benchmark so comparisons work well. I think it might be impractical always to have a front on shot of the sink and could be a little too monotonous. For instance, the last kichen I shot, the one in Rossendale, wasn't really big enough to get a front on shot of the sink, so it's at an angle. I'll allow myself a bit of leeway there.


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